Microdwelling: History
What is Microdwelling all about?
A group of independent builders began to meet in Phoenix, Arizona.
The concept of a Microdwelling event was born. Preliminary planning meetings were held at Michael Anderson Studio in Phoenix, Arizona on June 22, and September 17, 2010. Event sponsors Patrick McCue of Rocket FAB and Michael Anderson of Michael Anderson Studio and Arc Form were on hand to lead the discussions and call for submissions.
Concept became reality as structures took form.
Watch how the Microdwelling Builder's Showcase came to be.
Since the making of these videos, the date of Microdwelling was moved to 2012
Part One
June 22, 2010 planning meeting
Michael Anderson Studio. Phoenix, Arizona
Part Two
September 17, 2010 planning meeting
Michael Anderson Studio. Phoenix, Arizona
Part Three
October, 2011 Phoenix, Arizona
Hector Ortega's and Michael Anderson's microdwellings in progress.